Monday, September 26, 2011

Where Can Freshwater be Recycled Within Our Homes?

Less than 1% of the world's freshwater is readily available for human use. The average american household uses 300 gallons of freshwater/ day. (15 Mind-Boggling Gren Facts & Enviro-Stats.WebEcoist. Retreived on 26 September 2011 from <>).

If we put our sustainability caps on does this make sense? Look around your house for areas where freshwater is used. Is it necessary for freshwater to be used there?

People worldwide recycle freshwater multiple times before they dispose of it, whether it is using shower water to flush toilets or rainwater collection barrels to water their plants, rather than freshwater from the hose.

Try Googling "greyater systems", "freshwater recycling" or "greywater recycling" to find some great examples! Maybe try one!

Rainwater gardens are another great way to capture rain run-off, slow the movement of water and allow it to sink back into the ground. They are easy to create, beautiful or look at and make a huge difference in recharging the underground water table

Check out this company that is making freshwater recycling possible within your household <www.>.

how it works:

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Hi followers! 

We here at It's the Little Things are so excited to have a place where everyone can follow us and stay up to date on the newest happenings. We are extremely busy getting our four (yes FOUR) pilot projects up and running and we're off to a great start. Chris is working tirelessly with her team to meet deadlines, make partnerships and create a successful nonprofit.

We hope our blog is a spot where you can escape and learn some interesting facts and information to make the changes needed to create a more sustainable lifestyle. Changing on your own can be challenging, but hey, we're here to make it easy for you!! :) 

We can't wait to get started sharing our efforts and interests with you!